The Canopy of Dragonflies
The Canopy of Dragonflies was a group of large-scale dragonfly puppets designed and built in 2014. This art piece was funded with support from Esthetic Evolution, Sensory Illumination, Konnexion Music Festival, and Trademark Sign Company. Once again, this project couldn't have happened without tremendous support from many artists, builders, dreamers, and donors. First and foremost, I worked closely with James Sharp throughout the entire process. Special thanks also go to Michelle Estrada, Chris Owen, Celeste and Jesse Bolin, Lydia Sakolsky-Basquill, Julie Bean, Justin Belcher, Eric Anderson, Chris Callor, Cari Cardoni, Cheyenne Jones, Redd Foxit, Sam Zink, and many more.

Dragonflies in Action
The Colossal Dragonflies have an active event life. Although their numbers have diminished over the years these hearty creatures still travel with our troop to many events. The Dragonflies themselves have been to Oregon, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. Where will they be next?!
Behind the Scenes: Dragonfly Build

This project started out with simple sketches back in January of 2014.

I did some design-work to give the Canopy of Dragonflies a visual identity I could later use for stickers or necklaces.

This photo was taken on the 4th of July at the municipal firework display down at Anne Morrison Park, in Boise, Idaho.

This project started out with simple sketches back in January of 2014.