Jungo Makes New Forest Friends

What The Festival's Illuminated Forest is known for it's out of this world visual and interactive art. The beauty of the forest setting with the addition of a seemingly, never ending supply of inspiring and tactile art pieces is a portion of WTF's experience all it's own. This year Jungo Blizzard, of The Colossal Collective has been invited to be a part of the party!
Last year The Colossal Collective brought Gertie The Galactic Arachnid to frolic with the fairies, and dance with the divas, naughty nymphs and the rest of the forest creatures. Gertie stood roughly 15-feet tall, had a max leg-span of over 30-feet, and left all that passed her in awe. This year Jungo Blizzard's powerful presence is bound to do the same.
The crew has also created some rad tokens to give away to Jungo's biggest fans so if you see him out show some love and hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones to get something to remember him by!